Gudo - 6mm Nanamezashi Kote
Gudo - 6mm Nanamezashi Kote have a tendency to run slightly small. For a more comfortable fit, we suggest ordering on size larger than the size chart shows.
The Gudo - 6mm Nanamezashi Kote have a tendancy to run a bit small. We would suggest ordering one size above what the size chart shows for the best experience.
The Gudo features our signature oji wrist-cut and specialized himo-lacing, but refined with naname-zashi stitching across the futon improving the level of protection.
Like our tornado-stitch the naname-zashi orientates itself perpendicular to most strikes that hit the kote. This allows the futon to absorb the impact far more efficiently. The futon itself is stitched to 6mm in the naga-zashi style meaning it is nice and padded, but remains durable. Together with the diagonal orientation the Gudo provides excellent protection without having to add any thickness or excess material - this keeps the kote light and nimble. This is perfect for Kendoka who don't want to compromise on speed, but still want excellent protection and comfort.