We are now running a referral system where if you introduce a friend to Tozando they receive a 5% discount off their first purhcase. If they choose to buy from you also get 5% off your next purchase! Why don't you try sharing links amongst your dojo members?
Part of our mission is supporting the International Budo community and making sure everyone has access to high quality, traditional budo equipment designed with Japanese expertise. If you know anyone looking for good equipment that you can trust then introduce them to us. Not only will you both receive a great deal, but together we will help support budoka around the world.
Sign-up is easy and painless; just take a look at the form below and input your email so you can receive your own referral link. Then just share that link with any of your friends or dojo members. They get 5% off their first purchase and if they choose to buy, so do you.